How to Set Up BIMI and a Mark Certificate to Display Your Email Logo

Feature image for the article on how to set up BIMI and a Mark Certificate to display an email logo

This step-by-step guide walks you through the process that will display your brand avatar in email recipients’ inboxes using a BIMI certificate

Having up-front brand recognition is everything when you consider that email recipients spend an average of 11 seconds on an email.

This research, from the Data & Marketing Association’s (DMA) 2023 Email Consumer Tracking report, also indicates that three in five email recipients view brand recognition as the top factor when making a decision about whether to open an email. The third most important factor for opening emails? Seeing the brand’s recognizable logo.

This comprehensive how-to article will walk you through everything you need to know — configuring your BIMI and DNS records, handling the specifics of your logo, selecting the right type of Mark Certificate (i.e., a BIMI certificate), and all that’s needed to start sending emails with your brand’s logo in the sender field.

Let’s hash it out.

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The SSL Store Security Specialist